Oh this is a piece of my cute luggage.
This was the video I took Sunday, May 2nd, 2010!
Yes today is Cesar's 30th birthday. I am very angry with him but maybe I shouldn't mention anything to him because no one wants bad news on their birthday. I am on the borderline of leaving Cesar and never talking to him again. Anyways back to his birthday. Today is also Cinco De Mayo! Which is rather weird to meet, and actually date a guy that has his birthday on a huge Mexican holiday especially when hes from Mexico. I'm not really sure how to celebrate his birthday since I still don't have a job and I really wanted to do something special for him since 30 is one of the big birthdays. Its a shame that he has to work on his birthday, I'm sure hes not working too hard since most of the calls he had made to that slut were during the day while he was "working". Sorry that I keep going back to that subject its just really bothering me right now. I'm sure its normal to be angry when someone is cheating on you, well calling other girls/boys or whatever and spending more time talking to them than they had ever talked to you. He knows what he did was wrong but he is far from sorry. I don't think he cares at all that he hurts me emotionally.