I love my cats! Everyone believes that I will grow up to be a cat lady. The kind of lady that just lives with cats and talks to them as if they can talk back like normal humans. But my cats are special to me because both of them are unique in their own way. I have the original Garfield and the sassy Jane. I want to tell you about both of them and experiences some bad some good that I have had with them.

She is my prissy kitty. She thinks she owns the house and dosen't like Garfield, AT ALL! She pretty much is a whore because she loves men and I personally think she tries to take other girls men away especially mine, but unfortunetly for her my man only likes human ladies =) Well anyways she whines alot especially when she wants out or in and she can never make up her mind which she wants and always comes to my window in the middle of the night while I'm trying to sleep. Unlike Garfield she is not a people cat. She hides when people come over that she dosen't know. It took her three months for her to get use to Cesar. Now its as if shes in love with him and shes always following him around like a lost puppy. Her hobbies include, sleeping, eating, playing outside, having promiscious sex with several boy cats, and beating up on Garfield. The story behind finding her is that when my first cat, Amy passed away my dad told me that I could have one kitten. My friend Kaylee and I were playing outside in my backyard and she heard meowing from my playhouse and she went in there and found 8 kittens. I decided to keep Jane and she was suppose to keep a cat that I later on named Shanana but her mother wouldn't let her keep the cat. So we went back to my house and the kittens mother had left with the other kittens so I was stuck with Jane and Shanana. Unfortunetly Shanana ran away to another family after Garfield came along.
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