My Stick Family from

Friday, March 12, 2010

He Proposed!

He finally officially proposed with a beautiful ring! I love it so much! I mean we have had issues in the last week since his ego is huge. I love him to death but sometimes I just feel like I want to strangle him sometimes. Anyways we settled on the date of April 23, 2010 and I'm sticking to this date for good! I haven't really decided on if I want a small or big wedding. I kinda made my guest list but he wont even start on his so its hard to plan it when hes not even helping me out. Its like he wont even try to help.

Also we have both decided that we like my hair straight so I'm posting a picture of it straight, its really cute (well I think so anyways). I'm going to start wearing it like this. Not really much to talk about other than I am super pale (tanning time!).

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