Okay so today I didn't really have anything to do so I decided to become more educated and todays topic is Indians. Yes, I do realise that we all learned a little about them while we were in elementary school, normally around Thanksgiving. But they didn't really tell us much about what they are doing now, just about the first thanksgiving dinner. So I did some research and this is pretty much what I came up with. Well the facts of todays Indians are that most of them start a casino and there are 500 casinos ran by Indians today. They make $4 of every $10 they make. Everyone knows that casinos can rack in millions of dollars in just one year. But not to be offensive or anything but that makes it seems as if they are greedy bastards. Yeah, we took your land hundreds of years ago but that dosen't give you the right to take almost every dime we have so you can live wealthy, I mean you lived fine in tents before so why do you need mansions now? Anyways thats my two cents and hopefully I will have more to say about the next topic.

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