My Stick Family from

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Pasta Galore

We finally got to have pasta tonite! I'm weird because I love to fry mushrooms and put them on top but its actually really good. I'm not saying you should try it but if you want go ahead. Its just another one of my quirks lol. Well tonite was more of a family night which we haven't had in a very long time. Unfortunetly Cesar just stayed in our room on the phone as usual. The only time I get to see him is if I go in there. He acts as if hes shy even though he knows my parents since hes lived with us for almost 6 months now. Well I finally got to take some pictures of my parents, they don't really like to take pictures but I some how talked them into it. I promised my mom that I would try to make her look good since it is going online and she dosen't like the way she looks but I think shes beautiful for her age. I guess I should tell you about my background since your reading about whats happening now you should know what happened back then.
David (Kem) & Donna, the best people you will ever meet! They are silly, random, and totally weird! If you don't know them you might think they are insane or something. Kem talks to Garfield & Jane as if they are humans (of course I do this too but I don't do it in front of people!). All of my friends are afraid of going around him especially when they find out he use to be a wrestler until he hurt his back really bad one day and had to give it up. He still watches it and wishes that he could still do it but that may never happen unless a miracle happens. He recently lost his job that he had been with for almost 20 years because of the stupid economy. He is trying to start a "Clean Up" company where he cleans up crime scenes and meth labs. Its kinda his hobby I guess. Donna, has held a few jobs since I have been with them but she has been with Wal-mart for almost 12 years and seems to like it. She knows everyone in the store! I will never go shopping with her, it takes us like 2 hours just to get bread and milk! I have been through so much with these people and I love them even if they make me mad. Oh yeah I forgot to mention, I'm adopted! I have been with them since I was 7 years, so thats almost 13 years with these people! I salute them for putting up with all my bull shit and issues.

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