I have only had three other boyfriends before Cesar. Each of them had their own problems and made my life hell in their own way. All of them have put a huge dent in my life that caused many problems with me. I have been unfaithful which caused many of the problems but these guys were screwed up way before I came along and for some reason I like to fix people even though I know I shouldn't.

I guess we should start with Scott, he was my first boyfriend. I was set up on a blind date with him while I was in my senior year of high school. I knew from the first date that it was going to end horribly and yet I stayed which was stupid upon my part. Our first date was Feb. 13, 2009 which happen to be Friday the 13th and we saw the movie Friday the 13th. On the way to his house my tire blew out and it was raining really badly. I had to borrow my dads car. Well after that we began dating more and I would come over to play video games since he was like obsessed with video games, also it gave me something to do after school since I didn't have homework. It all got screwed up because I went on spring break with his friend and my best friend (at the time). I got drunk one night and did some things that I do regret. I lost my virginity on spring break to his best friend at 2am on the beach while his girlfriend was at home drunk. I told Scott about it and he was okay with it but I was far from okay with it since I kinda fell for Brandon and it was a huge mistake since I knew he was dating my best friend. I kept dating Scott on and off until my birthday and he bought me something expensive and then I left and never talked to him again. Oh by the way did I mention that he was mentally retarded, he was in special classes in high school.

Meet Brandon, my ex boyfriends best friend since kindegarden! They don't talk anymore after what happened during spring break. He only dated me for one month and he was still secretly seeing his other girlfriend (Samantha aka my ex best friend). She was a cheater too and always would sleep around, I guess they are perfect for each other. Anyways while dating him he was mentally and physically abusive towards me and I knew he had hid Sam in the past but I just thought it was accidents or whatever but this man is a wife beater! Oh by the way they are married now, its rather sick. Anyways, this guy had gotten me pregnant and caused me to have a miscarriage and having to go a home for battered (abused) women. We of course later on had more issues including his girlfriend being totally psycho! She calls the cops because she cant deal with reality, I had to go to jail the day before my birthday because of this bitch! Brandon just sat in the court room as if he was stupid or something. I sent him to jail because of what he had done and tried to get a restraining order but when we went to court about it the judge sided with him because his girlfriend is a liar and probablly sucked off the judge or something. Oh by the way did I mention that he owes me $4,000, maybe even more?!

Next was Derrick, the 26 year old alcoholic that had no job and pretty much no future, great rebound guy. He of course was the drug dealer of Brandon, so I really wasnt getting away from them which was a mistake on my part. My parents hated him, no not because he was black but because he wouldn't get off of his lazy ass and do anything. He also had a 2 year old son from another woman, which he didnt pay child support. I really don't know why I was with him but I guess its just another guy from the past, nothing more than that. I do agree that he did get us into some pretty wicked parties. I guess I shouldn't be very proud about that.

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