My Stick Family from

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Glad I'm Not In School

Daily Topic: Human Trafficking

I was watching an LMN movie this morning and this subject was a huge topic during the entire movie. So I decided to share the awareness of it.

So your probablly wondering, what the hell it is? Human Trafficking is the taking of women (sometimes men) and their children into another area where they are forced into having sex for money but these women and children do not get the money so they are pretty much slaves.

Since these people are taking these children they are not going to school they are only focused on "turning tricks" which is not what you would normally think of when you think of a an 4 year old child. Yes, I said 4 years old!

Also while they are hurting these children, they are turning them into drug addicts. They make these women and small children take drugs in order to want to turn tricks.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

They Are Liars

My parents made Cesar and I feel horrible about the phone bill when in fact we have plenty of money put back. They are at this moment eating out while Cesar and I are stuck at home (as we have been all day) with only sandwhiches to eat or beans & potatoes which isn't very appetzing at all. I'm just tired of standards around this house not being equal. Like Donna's list of kitchen dishes. Which are you make the mess you clean it up, except for her which we all have to end up cleaning her mess because "she's so tired from working and has other things to do, like checking her email or chatting on facebook". Shes like a teenager, but I'm not even that bad! I just wish everything was equal in this house but its not as long as she considers herself dictator.

More About Me

Who Are You?
Name:Delilah Palma
Zodiac Sign:Gemini
Rising Sign:Cancer
Birth Year:1990
Is your Hometown a small town, rural town, suburb, city, or inner-city:Suburb
Highschool(s):Decatur High School
Are you the eldest, middle, youngest or only child?:Youngest
What Do You Look Like?
Hair Color:Brown
Eye Color:Blue
Skin tone:Pale White
Face Shape:Roundish
Shoe size:11
What Makes You Tick
What aspect of your personality do you like best?Sense of humor
Which aspect of your personality do you like the least?I care too much
What are some things about other people that annoy you?Selfishness
What are some things about you that might annoy people?My happy attitude
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?Teacher
What is your favorite time of day?Night
Are your parents still together, never were together or divorced:Still Together
How do you handle arguments/disagreements with other people?I argue back until I win
Would say you are more extroverted or introverted?Extroverted
Are you spiritual? If yes, is your spirituality influenced by organized religion?No
Name one of your physical traits that you would change if you could:My weight
Name one of your physical traits that you really like:My eyes
Name something you’d like to do before you die:Have a kid
If you could back in time to any point of history, where would you go and why?October 2008 because thats when I got sick and dropped out
Have you ever experienced anything supernatural?Yes
Are you close to your family members?Not really
Name some things in life that you are afraid of?The dark
What is your biggest life issue right now?My parents
What Do You Like?
TV Channels:Comedy Central
Cars:Mustang GT Convertable
PC Games:Sims 2
Snack Foods:Potatoe Wedges
Game Consoles:Playstation 3
Concerts:Never been to one
Conversation Topics:Money!
Newspapers:Decatur Daily
Flowers:Blue Roses
Radio Stations:104.3 WZYP
Restaurants:Taco Bell
Clubs:Never been to one
Vacation spots:Florida
TV commercials:I hate commercials
Radio Commercials:I hate commercials
Museums:Cooks Natural Museum
Stores:Walmart, Target
Outdoor Activities:Soccer
Do You Like...
Mexican Food?Yes
Italian Food?Yes
Chinese Food?Yes
Japanese Food?No
German Food?No
Greek Food?No
Polish Food?No
Mongolian Food?No
Cajun Food ?Yes
Soul Food?Yes
Vegan Food?Yes
Caesar Salad?Yes
Do You Play...
Softball?When I was younger
Trivial Pursuit?No
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Sunday, March 28, 2010

My Wedding Cake Fantasy

OMG! I made my own wedding cake! Do you like it? I think its beautiful! I got bored just sitting around the house and decided to dream up my own wedding cake. So here it is!

I Don't Even Drink Coffee!

The Caffeine Click Test - How Caffeinated Are You?
Created by OnePlusYou - Free Dating Site

Just For Fun!

What Kind of Candy are You?
Your Result: Skittles

resultYou are Tuity-Fruity! You have a Fun and Funky personality! People love to be around you because of your creativity!You brighten a room when you enter it!

Sour Straws
Black Licorice
What Kind of Candy are You?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

What mental disorder do you have?
Your Result: ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)

You have a very hard time focusing, and you find it difficult to stay on task without your mind wandering. You probably zone in and out of conversations and tend to miss out on directions because you cannot focus

Manic Depressive
GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder)
OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
What mental disorder do you have?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

What type of person do you attract?
Your Result: You attract artsy people!

Those free spirited artists with great imaginations find you interesting. They are usually interesting themselves, so its not a bad thing, but they CAN be a bit wifty and choose odd goals. If you like life to always be a bit 'different' from the norm, but not too extreme in any one direction, these are the people for you. If you seek logical decision making skills and good money management, you may want to change something in the way you appear. Artsy people are fun for adventure and exploring, so, have fun! (smoking weed helps too)

You attract geeks!
You attract unstable people!
You attract models!
You attract Yuppies!
You attract rednecks!
What type of person do you attract?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

How Long Could You Survive Trapped In Your Own Home?

Created by OnePlusYou - Free Dating Site

$5505.00The Cadaver Calculator - Find out how much your body is worth.

Created by OnePlusYou - Free Online Dating

146,740 People

Created by OnePlusYou - Free Online Dating

Daily Topic: Indians

Okay so today I didn't really have anything to do so I decided to become more educated and todays topic is Indians. Yes, I do realise that we all learned a little about them while we were in elementary school, normally around Thanksgiving. But they didn't really tell us much about what they are doing now, just about the first thanksgiving dinner. So I did some research and this is pretty much what I came up with. Well the facts of todays Indians are that most of them start a casino and there are 500 casinos ran by Indians today. They make $4 of every $10 they make. Everyone knows that casinos can rack in millions of dollars in just one year. But not to be offensive or anything but that makes it seems as if they are greedy bastards. Yeah, we took your land hundreds of years ago but that dosen't give you the right to take almost every dime we have so you can live wealthy, I mean you lived fine in tents before so why do you need mansions now? Anyways thats my two cents and hopefully I will have more to say about the next topic.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wedding Ideas

Okay so I have come together with some pictures of ideas that I would like to be apart of my wedding. In this picture it shows pretty much the bridal party attire except for the groom and grooms men. I'm trying to put together exact details of what I would like in my dream wedding. I want to have 3 brides maids, 1 flower girl, and 1 ring barrier. I would like to lose 100lbs before my wedding even if it is almost impossible to do. I want to be able to fit in my fantasy wedding dress and look my best on my wedding day just like any other bride would want. I'm working on coming together with some pictures of my reception that I want and everything else.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Okay so I opened up my browser today to see this on my screen. I was curious to why it was on there and wondered if there was more. Guess what? There is! There is over 200 pages of single latinas that has been looking up and a link to the registar page meaning that he signed up for a latin dating website. I'm not really an expert on dating and I know I'm far from perfect but I would never do this to him. We finally got engaged and hes already looking for someone new. That hurts so bad! I personally don't know what to do because everytime I try to confront him about things like this he turns it around on me making me seem like the bad person because I'm "snooping around". I already have trust issues with men because of my past relationships and now this? What would you do? Is it just harmless behavior or should I beware of bad things to come? I have no idea what to do. I realise that yes I have cheated on him before but me and him talked through it and I am over it and I never did it while we were engaged. I did it when we kept splitting up which happened alot early in our relationship but now I got all of that out of the way. I am actually wanting to settle down with him but trusting him is becoming harder and harder when he does things like this.

Friday, March 12, 2010

He Proposed!

He finally officially proposed with a beautiful ring! I love it so much! I mean we have had issues in the last week since his ego is huge. I love him to death but sometimes I just feel like I want to strangle him sometimes. Anyways we settled on the date of April 23, 2010 and I'm sticking to this date for good! I haven't really decided on if I want a small or big wedding. I kinda made my guest list but he wont even start on his so its hard to plan it when hes not even helping me out. Its like he wont even try to help.

Also we have both decided that we like my hair straight so I'm posting a picture of it straight, its really cute (well I think so anyways). I'm going to start wearing it like this. Not really much to talk about other than I am super pale (tanning time!).

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring Cleaning

Heres a picture of my desk that I cleaned! I'm so happy that my room is back to normal. It took forever trying to organize it since Cesar moved in. I put his stuff up in the closet (where it belongs). He tries to make my room look trashy by hanging half naked women on the wall which isnt cool at all. Anyways I haven't been really feeling to well so haven't done anything out with my fiance. Hopefully I'll start feeling better and able to write something more exciting, something people will actually want to read about. I guess until then you'll have to keep reading about my boring cleaning lol.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Computer Illness

So yeah I was just searching random things on google like I normally do when there isn't anything else to do. Todays topic was mexican baby names, I went to a bunch of websites and then this one website (don't remember what it was called) and my computer shut down after viewing it, I had to restore my entire computer which sucks. I was so bored today because I didn't get to get online. I guess that says alot about me, I don't really have many friends outside the computer which is strange I know. Also just a few minutes ago, Cesar and I were making love and my dad starts knocking on the door, passion lost much. I swear my dad always knows when me and him are about to do it and try to ruin us doing it. We only get to do it really early in the morning like 3am or when my parents go out (which is barely ever!). I hate living like this but we cant afford to live anywhere else. It sucks not having a job I guess I should have went to that interview after all.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Already Starting Bad

Cesar has only been awake for 20 minutes and has already whinned about everything possible! "It's too cold!" , "Make kool-aid I'm so thirsty", "My back hurts and its your fault!", "Make me food, you never cook", "Shut up your being too loud", "You get on the computer too much", "Put the food in my mouth". Its just he is being so impossible! He turned the heat up knowing that he dosen't pay for anything and our electricity bill is really high because of him doing this and we are barely getting by because of it. We don't have the food he likes because we cant afford anything! He dosen't ever work anymore and all he ever does is complain about everything. Of course he dosen't do it in front of my parents but if they knew how he was they wouldn't let him stay here. Its getting to the point where the only reason why hes around is because I feel bad for him and I just want to help him out. I like helping everyone.

Slept Through

I finally got another job interview and since my sleeping schedual is all messed up I slept through the interview. It sucks but what is done is done. Trust me I didn't hear the last of it, both my mom and Cesar was yelling at me about it. I just wanted a job that wasnt going to be seasonal, the job could of lasted at most 3 months which is just not an option right now. I need a job with security and stability, especially if I want to start a family. Oh by the way Cesar did not work this week and we found out that he was fired after he was promoted to co-boss, how sucky is that? We went to the mexican store and one of his old friends was there, they chatted forever but he got a job out of it so he'll be working next wed & thurs. Not much has happened so I'm sorry if I didn't get to write a blog until two days later!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I Want A Baby


We have talked about this for awhile and decided that we were both ready to have a child. I am always taking care of others kids, even majority of my cousins have kids and I just want to know happiness. Children are the essence of happiness which is was I really need. I want to be able to help someone, and a child would be perfect. I'm also hoping it will cause me and Cesar to grow up some since he is almost 31 years old and I'll be 20 this summer. Its just come to the point in the relationship where we move to the next step, yes I'm sure most of you get married before the kid but getting married is almost as difficult as having a kid. I thought when I first started trying to concieve that we just have unprotected sex and by the end of the month I would be pregnant. Didn't work out like that. I am determined to get pregnant by the end of the year. I have always been very 'motherly' and I LOVE children and have always wanted my own. Hopefully this ticker thingy will help me get pregnant.

That Asshole!

I have only had three other boyfriends before Cesar. Each of them had their own problems and made my life hell in their own way. All of them have put a huge dent in my life that caused many problems with me. I have been unfaithful which caused many of the problems but these guys were screwed up way before I came along and for some reason I like to fix people even though I know I shouldn't.

I guess we should start with Scott, he was my first boyfriend. I was set up on a blind date with him while I was in my senior year of high school. I knew from the first date that it was going to end horribly and yet I stayed which was stupid upon my part. Our first date was Feb. 13, 2009 which happen to be Friday the 13th and we saw the movie Friday the 13th. On the way to his house my tire blew out and it was raining really badly. I had to borrow my dads car. Well after that we began dating more and I would come over to play video games since he was like obsessed with video games, also it gave me something to do after school since I didn't have homework. It all got screwed up because I went on spring break with his friend and my best friend (at the time). I got drunk one night and did some things that I do regret. I lost my virginity on spring break to his best friend at 2am on the beach while his girlfriend was at home drunk. I told Scott about it and he was okay with it but I was far from okay with it since I kinda fell for Brandon and it was a huge mistake since I knew he was dating my best friend. I kept dating Scott on and off until my birthday and he bought me something expensive and then I left and never talked to him again. Oh by the way did I mention that he was mentally retarded, he was in special classes in high school.

Meet Brandon, my ex boyfriends best friend since kindegarden! They don't talk anymore after what happened during spring break. He only dated me for one month and he was still secretly seeing his other girlfriend (Samantha aka my ex best friend). She was a cheater too and always would sleep around, I guess they are perfect for each other. Anyways while dating him he was mentally and physically abusive towards me and I knew he had hid Sam in the past but I just thought it was accidents or whatever but this man is a wife beater! Oh by the way they are married now, its rather sick. Anyways, this guy had gotten me pregnant and caused me to have a miscarriage and having to go a home for battered (abused) women. We of course later on had more issues including his girlfriend being totally psycho! She calls the cops because she cant deal with reality, I had to go to jail the day before my birthday because of this bitch! Brandon just sat in the court room as if he was stupid or something. I sent him to jail because of what he had done and tried to get a restraining order but when we went to court about it the judge sided with him because his girlfriend is a liar and probablly sucked off the judge or something. Oh by the way did I mention that he owes me $4,000, maybe even more?!

Next was Derrick, the 26 year old alcoholic that had no job and pretty much no future, great rebound guy. He of course was the drug dealer of Brandon, so I really wasnt getting away from them which was a mistake on my part. My parents hated him, no not because he was black but because he wouldn't get off of his lazy ass and do anything. He also had a 2 year old son from another woman, which he didnt pay child support. I really don't know why I was with him but I guess its just another guy from the past, nothing more than that. I do agree that he did get us into some pretty wicked parties. I guess I shouldn't be very proud about that.

Bounty Hunter

So yeah, this movie totally looks kick ass. Jennifer Anniston (sp?) is my favorite actress so I know this movie is going to be great. I'm hoping that my fiance will take me or I can get a job so I can go. I do feel bad about always having to ask Cesar for money to go to the movies. We both love movies and normally wait until the come out on DVD and then we just go rent it at Blockbusters or that box thingy at Walmart. Well normally if we cant even afford to rent a movie I normally go online to Watch Movies Online. Which in that sentence it included the link. I'm hoping that I get to see all the new movies that I want to see.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

About Me

BirthdayJune 5
Home StateAlabama
Eye ColorBlue
Hair ColorLight Brown
Level of EducationHigh School
Relationship StatusEngaged
Political PartyFreedom & Peace
TV ShowBad Girls Club
SongTwo is Better Than One
Singer/Artist/BandRay Charles
Day of the WeekSaturday
RestaurantI don't know
This or That
Day or NightNight
Call or TextText
PS3 or XBOX 360XBOX 360
Macs or WindowsWindows
Love or MoneyLove
Poor and Happy or Rich and UnhappyPoor and Happy
McDonalds or Burger KingBurger King
Water or GatoradeWater
Gatorade or PoweradeGatorade
Vanilla or ChocolateVanilla
Cats or DogsCats
Democrat or RepublicanNeither
Summer or WinterSummer
Sneakers or SandalsSandals
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Chinese Kitties?

I was taking pictures yesterday and it seems like the only pose I could get from either of these cats was the exact same pose! It was rather weird but it reminded me of a chinese person lol.

It's amazing that two different cats with two different personality would do the same pose. I think they are become anti-camera cats. I guess I'll just see what pictures I can get next.

Pasta Galore

We finally got to have pasta tonite! I'm weird because I love to fry mushrooms and put them on top but its actually really good. I'm not saying you should try it but if you want go ahead. Its just another one of my quirks lol. Well tonite was more of a family night which we haven't had in a very long time. Unfortunetly Cesar just stayed in our room on the phone as usual. The only time I get to see him is if I go in there. He acts as if hes shy even though he knows my parents since hes lived with us for almost 6 months now. Well I finally got to take some pictures of my parents, they don't really like to take pictures but I some how talked them into it. I promised my mom that I would try to make her look good since it is going online and she dosen't like the way she looks but I think shes beautiful for her age. I guess I should tell you about my background since your reading about whats happening now you should know what happened back then.
David (Kem) & Donna, the best people you will ever meet! They are silly, random, and totally weird! If you don't know them you might think they are insane or something. Kem talks to Garfield & Jane as if they are humans (of course I do this too but I don't do it in front of people!). All of my friends are afraid of going around him especially when they find out he use to be a wrestler until he hurt his back really bad one day and had to give it up. He still watches it and wishes that he could still do it but that may never happen unless a miracle happens. He recently lost his job that he had been with for almost 20 years because of the stupid economy. He is trying to start a "Clean Up" company where he cleans up crime scenes and meth labs. Its kinda his hobby I guess. Donna, has held a few jobs since I have been with them but she has been with Wal-mart for almost 12 years and seems to like it. She knows everyone in the store! I will never go shopping with her, it takes us like 2 hours just to get bread and milk! I have been through so much with these people and I love them even if they make me mad. Oh yeah I forgot to mention, I'm adopted! I have been with them since I was 7 years, so thats almost 13 years with these people! I salute them for putting up with all my bull shit and issues.

His Family

I do realise that I have to get use to his family eventually its just I hate being ignored! Everytime I come in (I'm never invited to come inside so I normally sit in the car) they always ignore me and act as if I'm there. They talk in spanish which I know that they are mexican and I do know that they speak english to and it drives me insane when I'm just sitting there as I keep hearing my name called and them laughing which makes me feel like they are judging me or something which isn't cool. Would you want people to stare and laugh at you when you knew for a fact that they were talking about you. Cesar dosen't even try to get me involved into the conversation so I just sit there and watch spanish t.v. I hate being left out of things its just one of my twirks or whatever you want to call it. Cesar gets mad at me when I refuse to come in, but would you want to come in under those circumstances? I don't think so! Anyways the girl in the picture is a picture of his niece, shes the only one that actually seems to like me. She always comes over to me wanting me to play and she loves sitting in my lap. Shes only two years old and dosen't speak english but she loves me for trying to understand her lol. Everyone ignores her aswell since shes the middle child.

Love Life

I made this poem on a website which is credited (made sure to screenshot the whole page) =D

Snow Day Back Then

Yeah we were the happiest we had ever been even though he wasn't working at the time. We just loved spending time together! He hates the cold but he even put that aside to play in the snow with me. Of course we didn't get much snow since we live in Alabama and it never snows. But the snow we got was a blast to play in. We didn't get to build a snow man though, we couldn't gather enough snow to do that which sucked because I had always wanted to build one. Anyways we took some pictures and I made a collage out of them and it was my first collage so it kind sucks but hopefully I'll get better at it.

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